Frost & Sullivan: NAC

Network Access Control (NAC) Market, Global, Forecast to 2022

Portnox was named the leader for network access control (NAC) products among midsize to large organisations with a 22% market share by global research firm Frost & Sullivan.  Read this report from their Global Digital Transformation Research Team to learn more about key Portnox innovations and why the industry rate this Network Access Control solution so highly.

The Frost & Sullivan report highlighted several Portnox innovations, including:

Why clients are choosing Portnox?

Global market trends have brought network access control back to the forefront of cyber security. It solves crucial issues with network visibility, security insights, automated risk controls and enforcement orchestration.

Still, when speaking with CIOS, CISOs, IT managers and network engineers, it becomes evident that what they really need are solutions that simplify their work load. 

Portnox provides its global customers with complete network visibility, reducing cyber risks and improving network security. The solution is quick and easy to deploy and is vendor agnostic, so you can leverage and maximise on existing network and security investments


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